Snack Packs 4 U

What do we do? 

At Snack Packs 4 U, we believe that everyone deserves to be treated as equal and are entitled to the Right to Food. Therefore, our mission is to provide those who are less fortunate with snack packs that are both tasty and varied. We collected donations of specific non-perishable food items and money donations were also gratefully accepted. The students set a target goal of 1250 snack packs by June 9th 2021.

Who is involved ?

This program was run by Business services students on work placement that operates under MWLP YOUTH’ANK HUB Auburn’s supervision and management. ALL donations went towards the packing and handling of these snack items. These snack packs might not be expensive but they can provide someone with the food they need to get through difficult times. 

What was donated?

-Popper Juice
-Cans of tuna
-Cup noodles
-Soup sachets
-Le snak cheese dip its
-Packet of chips
-Packets of sultanas
-Fruit cups
-Packets of biscuits (single serve Tiny Teddies, etc)
-Muesli Bars (chewy, nut tree e.g Uncle Tobys choc chip bar)
-Large storage ziploc bags

We also accepted on-the-spot donations at the drop-off point and online monetary donations to purchase items.

Thank You!

Thank you for all of your support and donations. Every single contribution is incredibly valuable to our team. Without your support, we wouldn’t be able to reach out to those in need and lend a helping hand.

We received 2,384 donated items which made up 469 snack packs!!

This webpage was created by Business Services students.

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